Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Smith & Mills

Smith & Mills is a TriBeCa bar & restaurant designed by John McCormick. I've never been, but it looks pretty wonderful, with blueprints on the walls and industrial pieces combined with soft banquette seating.

It's ...the sort of place where a 1920s Eastern European factory worker could blow off some steam after a hard day hammering steel.

Inside the non-marked spot, you'll find a diminutive den of working-class touches: male staffers in basic blue workman's jackets, ladies in factory dresses (so unsexy they're sexy) and shelves lined with antique dishes, cans and mason jars. Meanwhile, low-lit Edison bulbs create a moody, amber vibe you can soak up from one of the faded lime banquettes as you sip vintage cocktails (Old Fashioneds, Sazeracs, Negronis). In the bathroom—a onetime elevator shaft—you'll use a train car sink that empties manually (it'll be just like that summer you spent in Dresden). (UrbanDaddy)

serves classy cocktails of the Hoover regime to women with vintage handbags and men who’ve cultivated the facial hair of silent-movie villains. The bar itself is tiny, but so low-lit you’ll hardly notice how small it is. Shadows and 30-watt Edison bulbs are complicit in helping to create a dramatic atmosphere, though the space has plenty of narrative to begin with: Smith and Mills is in a 200-year-old building that once housed a coffee roaster, a seafarers’ inn and a horse stable. The current decor is remarkable, from the drainpipe mirrors behind the bar to the ship blueprints that adorn the walls to the bathroom, which is actually a vintage elevator. Everything seems rusty, which lends Smith and Mills a blue-collar, proletariat feel. (PaperMag)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun things....

Keith sent me a link to this campaign furniture champagne bucket (for chilling your champagne when you are on safari, I presume). Part of a larger set of campaign furniture at Sporting Wood.
And Steampunk Angel mentioned this log roller: transform your newspapers into firelogs through the extraneous machinations of this mechanical device.

She also pointed us to this useful Art Nouveau font for free download.

Fun things, all.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gonzalo Álvarez -- Mueblos Raros

Gonzalo Álvarez is an artist that works in a variety of mediums, but I was taken with his clocks and furniture. (Have I mentioned my philosophy on clocks in a steampunk home? Clocks -- along with lights -- are where you should indulge in the steamiest creation you can make or find -- there are plenty of options out there, and they will make a statement.)

The interior gears are cut from wood.

Oh so airship pirate, no?

He uses this clever hinged drawer in other pieces as well.

Thanks to Juanan for pointing this out.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cómo decorar tu mesa de centro en Navidad

Cuando llegan los días previos a la Navidad y comenzamos a decorar nuestra casa con detalles alusivos a estas fechas, cada ambiente empieza a tornarse más acogedor. El salón y el comedor son probablemente los ambientes de la casa en los que centramos la decoración navideña, debido a que en estos espacios recibimos a nuestros invitados, en especial en estas fiestas cuando se incrementan las reuniones.

Decorar con originalidad cada rincón de tu salón comedor, hará que todo aquel que visite tu hogar por Navidad se lleve una grata impresión, además tú disfrutarás observando cada detalle. En esta oportunidad te brindamos ideas para decorar la mesa de centro del salón:

Los centros de mesas alargados son una buena alternativa para grandes mesas de centro rectangulares. Los modelos más tradicionales son troncos navideños o trineos, acompañados de follaje verde, piñas, guirnaldas, etc. Coloca un camino de mesa para resaltar el centro.
Las velas juegan un papel muy importante en la decoración de Navidad, ¿Que te parece si colocas una mini-colección como centro de mesa?. Puedes incluir velas de formas rectas (redonda, cuadrada, triangular, etc), en colores alusivos, combinadas con otras de formas navideñas (PapaNoel, hombre de nieve, árbol, etc).
Elabora un sencillo y moderno centro de mesa. Los materiales que necesitas son: Un plato o fuente, una o más velas y popurrí. (Todo en los colores de la decoración navideña de tu casa), coloca las velas en el centro del plato y rodéala con el popurrí. Así de facil tendrás un aromático y decorativo centro de mesa.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dark Wood, Industrial Antiques, Science and Leather -- What more could you want?

Laurel sent me a link to this home tour at Country Living.

It's a wonderful collection of modern and new, industrial and science. Not distinctly steampunk, but with oh so many of the elements we like.

It's interesting how much grey they use through this house -- a very modern neutral, but the blue in the grey provides a lot of contrast for the yellows in the antique browns.

I love how she has succulents tucked in all over the place. (I'll get around to sharing my terrarium of succulents here soon...)

This is an old seed packet display -- but it's almost a wunderkabinet now!

The plants in the tall glass cloches add a lot of height to her table...

These are old French mail bins. (Also, I've seen a similar surveyor's lamp at Target recently...)

Industrial antique table and stool, leather chair, dark wood... sigh.

See the whole tour here. Photos by Don Freeman

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tendencias en la ropa de cama

Es importante acertar en la elección de la ropa de cama. Ésta no sólo participa en nuestro descanso sino también decora el dormitorio.

El algodón sigue siendo el material por excelencia con el que se confecciona la ropa de cama. Una sábana 100% algodón es más suave que una hecha con poliéster, y no genera pelusas. Además es perfecto para confeccionar la ropa infantil porque conserva el calor natural del cuerpo, deja circular mejor el aire, y no irrita la piel.

Sin embargo, con el fin de obtener una sábana resistente y fácil de lavar, la tendencia pasa por mezclar, en mayor o menor proporción, el algodón con fibras sintéticas.

Aunque el tradicional juego de cama, compuesto por sábanas, bajera, y colcha o edredón, se sigue vendiendo en un alto porcentaje, la generalización de las fundas nórdicas es cada vez mayor. Su principal ventaja radica en el hecho de que un mismo elemento sirve para todo el año, ya que sólo hace falta cambiar o quitar el relleno. Éste puede estar compuesto por plumas y plumón, el cual elimina la humedad y conserva mejor la temperatura corporal, o bien por fibras sintéticas, recomendables en caso de alergias.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wire Cage Lights

If you've spent any time at RadioGuy's website, these will look familiar.

At $1000 and up, I suspect you could dig some out of your grandfather's shop or find them at a flea market and rewire them yourself.

From Rewire via ReModelista

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Moulin Rouge" Furniture

The furniture is by Coach House Furniture at the Harvest Moon Company.

The line includes black velvet upholstered pieces...
And a black bookcase...

via Apartment Therapy, from Tamara, whose fascinating blog Anima Tarot finds Tarot symbols in all sorts of art, architecture, and nature.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Edison Electric Light.

Robert Williams sent me a link to this sign that has been making the rounds... Roadside Blog has it in a couple of sizes to download.

I see it framed and displayed next to a push-button light switch (although a turn-key switch would be even better...)

Originally from NextNature.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sharpie Art Library

Diana Peterfreund recently reminded me of this DIY library, created by amateur artist (lawyer by day) Charlie Kratzer with nothing more than a Sharpie Marker and a incredible amount of imagination and persistence.

Look carefully in this basement o' dreams and you'll see a drawing of the Kratzers' upstairs library — with Claude Monet, the greatest of the Impressionists, at the doorway. It's a tribute to Monet, but it's also a way of living with cultural influences: Kratzer and his wife, Deb, don't just keep them within book covers or admire them in museums. Their Picasso spends each day close to their pinball machine. Agatha Christie's shrewd little Belgian detective and his carefully pruned mustache hover over the deck door.

There are both The Walrus and the Carpenter (from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There), and William Shakespeare. The Marx Brothers peer around a corner. A flip-top garbage can is transformed via marker art into Star Wars' plucky little beeper R2D2.

The article and a 360 degree panorama is at the Lexington Herald Leader.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Puzzling Home Design

So you hire an architect to design your home. It's built, you move in. Four months later your son is having a sleepover and his friend discovers that the radiator grill has a ciphered message addressed to the son.... and the game begins.

The house -- actually a 5th Avenue apartent in New York City -- was designed by architect Eric Clough for a family of 6. After the father requested a poem he had written be hidden somewhere in the house, Clough went on a puzzle building spree intended to "spark a child's mind."

In any case, the finale involved, in part, removing decorative door knockers from two hallway panels, which fit together to make a crank, which in turn opened hidden panels in a credenza in the dining room, which displayed multiple keys and keyholes, which, when the correct ones were used, yielded drawers containing acrylic letters and a table-size cloth imprinted with the beginnings of a crossword puzzle, the answers to which led to one of the rectangular panels lining the tiny den, which concealed a chamfered magnetic cube, which could be used to open the 24 remaining panels, revealing, in large type, the poem written by Mr. Klinsky.

Read about the whole thing here, with many pictures at the New York Times.

Hat tip to Malsperanza, commenting on Holly Black's LiveJournal.