Monday, August 31, 2009

10 Red and White Living Rooms Interior Design Ideas

Whether your living room is a 21 foot length with a large picture window at one end or you live in a tiny apartment and the living room is bijou to say the least, there are living room décor ideas to suit you and your budget. You can go for cozy chic and warm up your living space or go for open-plan with vaulted ceilings and an expanse of herringbone hardwood floor. At the end of your project you will have ended up with a space that you can live in comfortably, decorated according to the space you have available. Are you aiming for a peaceful retreat, full of serenity and harmony or a more user-friendly, basic living space where you feel comfortable slipping your shoes off and putting your feet up.

If I was choosing a color scheme for my living room I would go to the cooler colors on my color wheel chart - the blues and greens which can be used in different shades to achieve a 'joined-up' look of cool elegance. I always make sure that, when I paint my ceiling, I use a light shade of the room's main color on my ceiling so, if my color scheme was blue, I would use the lightest eggshell blue I could find for my ceiling and then a slightly deeper shade of blue for my walls. If you have mouldings you could paint those completely white, or go for a darker shade of blue to both the walls and the ceiling. I would use matt paint on my walls and a paint with some kind of sheen on the mouldings.

For windows, to add height, place the curtain pole as high as possible near to the ceiling. This will give your curtains plenty of drop to achieve an elegant drape. Modern décor arrangements always suggest that the fabric should be allowed to pool on the floor - never in my house. To me, artistic though it evidently is, this 'pooling' idea for the fabric is just a dust collector and, if you have dogs like I do, is just asking them to make a bed out of the fabric! Why did I mention this? Find out what the trends are, but that does not mean you have to follow the trends slavishly. Adapt styles to suit you and your lifestyle.

You would think, wouldn't you, that a large picture placed on the wall in a small room would be overpowering. Surprisingly, it isn't. I have the tiniest lounge you can imagine and, on the wall above the fireplace I have a really large picture of the Defence of Rourke's Drift, depicting the British soldiers of 'B' Company, South Wales Borderers. This picture is very loud, very busy, with plenty going on in it. However, it looks absolutely fantastic in that room, almost as if the room was made to fit the picture!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Contemporary Kids Bedroom Design Ideas by Mariani

Between about age six and 11, children can experience the world in a wonderfully free way. Liberated from the limitations and frustrations of early childhood but not yet in the thick of the demands and concerns of adolescence, kids, in what classic psychology calls the "latency period," are avidly discovering their world and their own potential. You can guide and support this discovery process by the way you design your child's room.

Grade-schoolers are a mixed bag. Like younger kids, they still need space to play on the floor and kick up their heels in safety. But like older kids, they have to contend with a lot of homework. A good-size desk, a comfortable chair, and a minimum of breakable knickknacks help satisfy both the big and little kid inside your grade-schooler.

When it comes to decorating the space, a grade-schooler is old enough to have significant input. No guarantees, but the more your child is involved in helping plan the room scheme, the likelier it is he or she will take pride in the space and take care of it. Kids this age often have hobbies, interests, or talents that are already part of their self-definition, so by all means reinforce those you feel are positive.

Keep your eyes open for key items that will pull a positive room concept together for your child. It may be easier than you think. One lively boy who loved the big cats but not his pale turquoise walls changed his mind when given a dramatic quilt depicting a rare white tiger with turquoise eyes. The quilt border colors were turquoise, brown, white and green, so the rest of the room took on a jungle theme.

An artistic girl who had a hard time choosing one or two colors for her room found happiness with a rainbow motif. People began giving her rainbow-decorated accessories, so her room came together quickly. A nice plus: Just about any clear, solid color fits in. What theme can you use to knit together your child's preferences and interests with the room and furnishings you already have?

At this stage of the game, you and your child may still clash on the issue of color, but a grade-schooler is also old enough to understand (or at least accept) your explanation. If he wants vivid blue and bright orange, for example, you can satisfy that desire with small furniture items and accents in those hues and treat the walls to a pale, room-expanding tint of light blue or light orange sherbet.

Whether you and your child are inspired by a specific theme or just a color scheme, don't feel you have to create something elaborate. Keep in mind that the pictures you see in this book or in decorating magazines are settings at their "company best." In everyday life, a grade-schooler's toys, books, homework projects, and clothes tend to take over all but the most rigorously policed spaces. Even a minimally decorated room will look plenty busy most of the time, so keep it simple.

One proven, simple approach is to develop a color scheme of two or three hues and stick with it when buying or refurbishing pieces. If you have less-than-pedigreed furniture, paint pieces one color and add wood pulls and knobs in another color or design. If you're buying fabric accessories, use the more sedate color for big items such as a comforter or an upholstered computer chair. Save the brighter, lighter color for pillows and other small accents. If your child's scheme is navy and yellow, for example, you can swap the yellow for red, light green, pink, or any number of other choices when their tastes change without a big investment.

What if your child's favorite colors and preferred theme seem at odds? If that happens (it may, if you've got a particularly imaginative youngster), look beyond the prepackaged ideas out there. For example, a butterfly theme doesn't have to be delicate and pastel; the common monarch butterfly is dramatic black and orange. So, imagine a room with peach walls hung with monarch butterfly prints and black lacquer furniture with brass butterfly drawer pulls. You get the idea. Virtually any concept can be used with a little creativity.

Stumped on how to make it work? Ask your child. To a grade-schooler, the world of imagination is still clear and present, and a sea green giraffe may be just what he or she had in mind.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Small Kitchen Photo Ideas

Small Kitchen Photo Ideas

modern kitchen interior design ideas

The past century witnessed the evolution of the function and interior design of the traditional kitchen. It has magically transformed from being a mere service area into a multi-functional room which is central to the family's activities.

Updating the interior design of a kitchen requires a considerably huge budget. Would you believe that five years ago, remodeling an average kitchen can go as high as $26,000? No wonder the National Kitchen and Bath Association consider it to be one of the most expensive remodeling projects undertaken by American homeowners!

Don't despair even if you among the thousands (and perhaps even tens or hundreds of thousands!) of people inspired by the pictures of ideal kitchens featured in glossy magazines but don't have enough funds to undertake a remodeling project. There are several ways to furnish your kitchens with that modern interior design without going broke!

Truth is, updating the interior design and improving the functionality and value of the kitchen do not always need to be expensive. You will be pleasantly surprised at the number ways in which you can cut costs!

Practical Fix-It-Up Ideas

If you are currently financially strapped in, you may consider updating your kitchen's look rather than undertaking a major remodeling project. You may want to consider these low-cost fix-ups in updating the interior design of your kitchen.

Update your lighting. Installing modern lighting fixtures are one of the surest, fastest and most economical ways to boost a kitchen's look and value.

. Halogen lights directed towards the ceiling bounce off to provide indirect working light. They also come with a dimmer so you can adjust the lighting intensity to fit your needs. Brighten it up or tone it down, how you set it is completely up to you!

. Consider installing task lighting. Task lighting mounted to provide efficient lighting in the countertop, the sink and near the cooking area makes preparing dinners a breeze!

. Provide accent lighting. If you want to highlight unique architectural designs, your antique china collection or any items of interest, you may do so by installing accent lighting. This will surely bring the interior design of your kitchen into focus!

Play with paints! Another surefire hit in cutting kitchen remodeling costs is by modernizing its look by splurging on a fresh coat of paint.

. Hesitant to paint stained wooden cabinets? There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of! Painted wooden cabinets are just as good and as efficient as stained ones. Plus, painting them up allows you to get the color and finish that you want for a fraction of the cost!

. Old kitchen appliances can also be given a smarter look. Appliance refinishing companies and automobile repainting shops can indeed give your range, your dishwasher and your refrigerator a brand new appeal!

. Get artistic with your walls! You can get creative and spend your energy in painting your walls for that updated look. Special painting techniques such as sponging, mottling and rag-rolling can definitely work wonders!

Install new moldings. Installing moldings can transform an otherwise unappealing kitchen into a visual delight. What a great and economical way to improve the interior design of your kitchen!

Put sparkle into your kitchen! Heightened visual interest can be achieved by simply installing new knobs and pulls on your cabinets. You may pick anything from the wide choices available since they come in almost all materials and styles imaginable. Cabinet knobs and pulls are available in glass, resin, metal, rubber, stone and wood.

There you have it, some of the most affordable ways to enhance your kitchen's visual appeal and functionality! Now, do you agree with me that updating the interior design of your kitchen does not necessarily have to be such an expensive project after all?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Challenge: Steampunk Zombies for Twin Boys

To keep you busy while I'm gone, here's a challenge from a reader in California named Heather:

We got turned on to Steampunk and then your blog via a friend's wedding. They had a Victorian wedding (I made the wedding dress and my maid of honor dress) while another friend hosted the bachelor party at the CA steampunk convention. We went over the top excited about steampunk. Here's a pick of my guys trying on the garb I made them for the bachelor party....

The boys on either side are 15 year old twins.

Here is my challenge for your readers. The boys have never had a decorated room. We moved into our house when they were in 4th grade and I had all the rooms painted a bland off white to be able to change at a later date. We are at a later date. With nothing further done. One twin is a cross country runner for high school, the other one is #3 in the USA for Tumbling and Trampoline. Needless to say, we spend more time away from home than in it.

The boys are very artistic and love games of all forms. They would really like their room decorated steampunk with zombies as an additional theme. How would Victorians react to a zombie invasion? How would you decorate a room in that environment? What would your readers recommend?

15 year old athletic geeks who'll wear damask and velvet (and look good doing it)? I think this could be fun! Enjoy!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Triangular Smith Tower

I'm off on vacation, to the city that is the home of this find by reader Pica Maloria: Smith Tower.

See the little pyramid at the top? Someone lives there!

It's not quite as cool as a clock tower, but it sure has character, with the pyramid shape echoed by the triangular windows.

According to the architect's website, it was a caretaker’s suite and an old water tower enclosure

Find out more at Seattlest or at Castanes Architects.

I'll post again in a week! See you then!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

interior decorating pictures

Creativity is the core of interior decorating. You need to let loose your imagination, aesthetic sense, and intelligence, and cull out as many ideas as possible. Interior decorating can be compared to poetry, as both are vast and simply do not seem to have a definite end. You can go on and on and on.

There are several styles of interior decorating. You can browse through them leisurely, compare and contrast their features, advantages and effects, and then select the best option. Broadly speaking, interior-decorating Ideas can be obtained from catalogs, brochures or promotional advertisements released by interior decorators or designers.

Before deciding to adopt any particular idea, its feasibility, affordability, and flexibility needs to be determined. You should never go just by appearance, but consider the appropriateness of the idea. Interior decorating can be obtained from various styles belonging to different areas. The most popular among them are colonial, post-colonial and Georgian.

Primarily, interior-decorating Ideas can be either contemporary or exotic. It depends on the individual’s taste and perception of beauty.

The field of interior decorating is undergoing constant change and growth. It can also include insect and pest-control measures like termite control.

Interior decorating ideas can prove very useful when combined with scientific principles. A small example for this can be seen from a study made by Michigan State University Extension, which found that among the materials used for flooring, slates retained the maximum percentage of heat. On the other hand, bricks absorbed the least percentage of heat.

Interior decorating ideas communicate to the guests too. Hence, the theme of an interior decorating Idea should be to adorn a building in a suitable way. Interior decorating does not stop with mere decorating. It should be an ongoing activity and take into account maintenance, repair, and preventive measures too.

Brooklyn Clock Loft

Brian pointed out another clock face living space (it rhymes!). I wonder how many more of these are out there? (and you'll help me figure it out, won't you?) This pushes so many of my buttons -- Turkish rugs, wood floors, old brick, and not a bit of modern furniture in the place.

From architect Michael R Davis' website: The The Clock on Old Fulton Street in Brooklyn Heights is a 1,200 square foot loft located in an Italianate storage building built in 1892 on the site of the Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper once edited by Walt Whitman. The most obviously striking feature in the apartment is the 10-foot glass and iron clock face, which serves as the living room window.

From a Time Out NY article: With the original scale and proportions restored, the sprinkler pipes, valves, and clockface, along with it's motor and steel strapping, fully exposed, the result was a return to a true loft space.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Townhome in a former Sanitorium

While we're browinsg the NY Times' crazy real estate features, how about a home in a former sanatorium?

This is the former Holloway Sanitorium, a rambling red-brick hospital built in 1877 in the English village of Virginia Water.

The clover shaped windows are original design.

Swimming pool in the former dining room.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clock Tower Apartment

Laurie sent me this NY Times slideshow about an apartment at the top of a clock tower. Yes, those are working clocks.

Don't you wish you had an extra $25 million lying around?