Sunday, February 28, 2010

Antique Folding Tub

Jen sent me a link to this early, portable, folding bathtub, for sale on eBay. From the original advert:

"If you have no bathroom, buy a Mosely Folding Bath Tub", "Don't look around for another house, and "acts well and looks well". An advertisement also notes that the tub is "portable, with self-heating arrangements to heat water at a moments notice. A great convenience and when closed an ornament to any room...". Send two cents, for illustrated catalogue, showing 18 styles of tubs..."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thunder and burnt orange

We've only made one change to the house since we moved in. The previous owners had built a garage extension behind the single garage, a 3.5 x 8 metre room. The only access to it was from the patio so we had a double doorway cut through from the existing dining area, gyprock and plastering around the walls, and the old steps pulled up and a new single step put in the width of both doors. It's nearly finished (just needs the old stove removed and carpet put down) so I'm trying to decide how I will decorate it.

We already have some furniture that we intend to move into the room which limits the colours I can use. The colour of the lounges is called 'Storm', which is a dark bluey-green. We will also use our oak coffee table, side tables and entertainment unit.

I want the room to feel warm and cosy so I'd like to incorporate some 'warm' accents. I found a few pictures along those lines. I was originally planning to use red splashes but I think this look is a bit more unique.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Modern Hamptons?

My husbands favourite colour is blue. Since I have already decided on other colours for the living space, and I don't like 'cool' colour bathrooms, I think I'd like to decorate our bedroom in blue and white. I'm thinking Hamptons meets modern chic. Is that even a style? Nevermind. I'm not hugely into the country look but I don't want it to look stark so what I have in mind will hopefully work.

Here are a couple of pictures to start with.

Our bedroom isn't very big. It fits a queen bed, two bedside tables and a tallboy (just) in the bay window. If my renovation dreams come true, we will glean a tiny bit more space by removing the existing wardrobe (and taking over part of the adjoining bedroom as a walk-in-robe). The room will still be small but I think once the dresser is moved away from the window and we have that little bit extra space where the wardrobe was, it will make a big difference.

My only hurdle is that our furniture is a dark timber... which doesn't exactly fit with the white or blue part. They were a gift from my in-laws so we certainly wouldn't dispose of them. I would love to sand all the pieces back and paint them white but would that be offensive? Ideas? Advice?

We already re-painted the room when we moved in because it was an appalling dark purple suede effects job (gag) but I think an all-white paint job will be in order this time. We also have timber trim so that's going to have to go as well.

That's about as far as I've got in my thought process. Have you got any good ideas?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Importance Of Lighting In An Interior Design Project!

Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design IdeasLight is an essential part of our daily activities. Just like we need air, water and food to survive we need light in order to function efficiently.

Gone are the days when people used to stop working after sunset. The invention of electricity has made life easier and has helped to improve efficiency.

The use of light in interior spaces greatly affects the environment and "mood" inside the space. Here are some of the aspects that can be considered while lighting an interior space.

1) Natural light:

The Sun is the biggest source of light available on our planet. We all are dependant on it. Sunlight is not only required to function but is also responsible for biological balance of the Earth. Sunlight also keeps the air clean by killing any possible bacterial attacks which might be harmful to health.

It is normally assumed that sunlight can penetrate inside a space for about 7 feet (approximately 20 meters). If the architect has taken proper care during planning of the structure, then sunlight can be a very good and free source of light.

2) Artificial filler lights:

These types of lights work on electricity and are required mostly at the night times. But this is not always true. There are some geographical locations where the weather is cloudy for most months in a year.

At such times filler lights in the form of fluorescent tube lights. These types of light are used to create the same effect that the sunlight would create. As the name suggests. these types of lights "fill" the space evenly with light, eliminating any dark spaces.

3) Special lighting for special spaces:

Special lighting is required at spaces where it is necessary to create a "mood" or special "ambience" inside a space. To achieve this use of color is done. Lighting fixtures like spot lights are used which divert the attention of the crowd at certain focused areas.

These kind of techniques are also used in commercial showrooms, to enhance the importance of the display areas. If you have visited car shows, exhibition pavilions, you will see this kind of lighting extensively used.

Special type of lighting requires more number of light fixtures, because the area they cover is very limited.

Interior Design Ideas

4) Extreme lighting:

This type of lighting is used in spaces where the activities have a special purpose, such as movie studios, pubs, dance floors, etc.. Here the lighting used can be of movable types, or can have more sophisticated controls such as intensity, color, movement, controlled through music beats.

The above discussion shows, how the activities happening inside a space directly affect the type of lighting used inside a space. A properly planned lighting plan can greatly enhance the quality of a space.

I hope this article was useful.

Hardwood Floors For Interior Design And For Home Decorating

Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design IdeasUsing hardwood floors for interior design and for home decorating, based on furniture of the eighteenth century may be discussed from different points of view. However, what most people realize is the distinguish details of tables made from that century. Dinner and wine tables were some of those pieces of furniture that could add a different touch of class to your interior decorating. Learn from the history of furniture book, by Frederick Litchfield ideas on how 18th century furniture, from the earliest to the present time.

To the latter part of the eighteenth century the English furniture of which time has been discussed on the site belong the quaint little "urn stands" which were made to hold the urn with boiling water, while the tea pot was placed on the little slide which is drawn out from underneath the table top. In those days tea was an expensive luxury, and the urn stand, of which there is an illustration, inlaid in the fashion of the time, is a dainty relic of the past, together with the old mahogany or marqueterie tea caddy, which was sometimes the object of considerable skill and care. They were fitted with two and sometimes three bottles or tea-pays of silver or Battersea enamel, to hold the black and green teas, and when really good examples of these daintily-fitted tea caddies are offered for sale, they bring large sums.Interior Design Ideas

Eighteenth Century Wine Tables

The wine table of this time deserves a word. These are now somewhat rare, and are only to be found in a few old houses, and in some of the Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. These were found with revolving tops, which had circles turned out to a slight depth for each glass to stand in, and they were sometimes shaped like the half of a flat ring. These latter were for placing in front of the fire, when the outer side of the table formed a convivial circle, round which the sitters gathered after they had left the dinner table.

One of these old tables is still to be seen in the Hall of Gray's Inn, and the writer was told that its fellow was broken and had been "sent away." They are nearly always of good rich mahogany, and have legs more or less ornamental according to circumstances.

A distinguishing feature of English furniture of the last century was the partiality for secret drawers and contrivances for hiding away papers or valued articles; and in old secretaries and writing tables we find a great many ingenious designs which remind us of the days when there were but few banks, and people kept money and deeds in their own custody. Interior Design Ideas

Bosley the Beagle

I thought I'd just post a pic of our littlest family member, Bosley, our (nearly) two year old Beagle x Cocker Spaniel. He has a lovely personality - he loves playing fetch, cuddles and chewing things!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Garden Studio

I am keen to get our backyard looking nice but it's going to be a long process and we need to decide exactly what we want to do first.

The garden has a lot of potential but it's a bit out of control! We have a good undercover patio area but the rest is grass and garden beds. At the moment it's green because we've had a lot of rain but in the hot weather it's a large expanse to keep watered. There's also a 6 x 4 metre shed in the back corner which is a bit of an eyesore.

One of my ideas is to pull down the shed in the corner (that will probably only happen if someone wanted to take it off our hands) and build a smaller, modern garden studio somewhere along the back fence.

Here is a photo looking out from the patio to the back corner as it is.

This is the kind of structure I have in mind. The front windows would face north so it would be a beautifully sunny room. I think it would be great for guests to stay in if we run out of room in the house or as an office.

Thoughts? Have you got any favourite gardens that might inspire me?

Octopodes II

We've been tracking the "Octopus in Home Decor" trend since 2008, and our friends on etsy have been delivering it for even longer, but I was amused and delighted by these (expensive, handmade) octopus options at Anthropologie.

Octopus Garden Wallpaper, $198 a roll.

Amelie Sofa, Fathoms, $3498.

I love the saturated blues used in both of these.

p.s. If you like the octopus style, you may want to peruse the Everything Octopus blog.

Antique Lamp Design Pictures

If you like things that are antique, it would not hurt if you try antique lamps as lighting in your home. This antique lamp can make your home atmosphere became brighter and more attractive.

Decoration Romantic Bedroom Photo

Decoration Romantic Bedroom Photo

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

Bedroom Interior DesignYour bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home because this is where you usually spend most of your time. It should be your own personal space, and sometimes it can even be your home away from home. It can be that special room where you can find solace and peace and a few bedroom interior design ideas can give you just that.

There are a number of bedroom interior design ideas that can be incorporated in the renovation or design of your room. Before you start searching for ideas however, it is good to first take note of your personal preferences with regards to your bedroom. Apart from the actual design, take note of the various needs and functions that is essential in designing your bedroom.

Adopting a period design

A good place to begin your search for bedroom interior design ideas is a rundown of architectural design periods or eras for a design theme. You may adopt an Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Gothic, Oriental, Modern theme, and the like.

1. Egyptian theme – gold is a popular color for the Egyptian motif because that was how magnificent pyramid interiors were. For this theme, you may also incorporate Egyptian writings and images that were prevalent in tombs and pyramids.

2. Greek and Roman theme – these two are alike in a way, and the Romans were said to improve a number of Greek arts including architecture. Both used columns, and if you have a big space then this is one of those good bedroom interior design ideas to work on.

3. Gothic- Choose this theme if you like the color black, gargoyles, and an eccentric looking bedroom. If you are looking for bedroom interior design ideas that make an impact, then this is certainly one of those.
Bedroom Interior Design
4. Oriental and Modern – these two design influences can pertain to the Japanese way of designing. However, oriental can also garner influences from other Asian countries and modern design can also be free from any oriental influences. Moreover, modern design can be reflected by the use of industrial materials as well as the use of the minimalism concept.

Decorating your bedroom with a period theme in mind is just an example of a long list of possibilities for bedroom interior design ideas. There are lots more and you’ll soon be overwhelmed with all the options you can do to your bedroom.

Keeping it original

Creating your own set of bedroom interior design ideas is also possible even without referring to various Internet websites or design books. All you have to do is look around your existing bedroom or personal belongings and derive a number of bedroom interior design ideas from there.

The important thing is that you start with something you like, it acts as a stimulant and it will flow into a web of interrelated bedroom interior design ideas. Simply start with simple things such as a favorite color of yours, a pattern or symbol that you like, and you can even get ideas from nature such as a leaf.

Bedroom Interior DesignYou’ll be surprised at the endless possibilities for bedroom interior design ideas. So go out there be creative and have fun, you’ll be surprised with the things you are about to discover! Ultimately, it is your bedroom and nobody knows you like you do.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Interior Design Ideas

Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas
Interior Design Ideas

Interior design ideas these days are dime a 12. If you watch a television show that is dedicated to interior designing for one hour, once you come out, you would have enough knowledge that you can design for complete home. The main drawback of a television show when compared to applying these ideas in life is these are tough to document. If you don’t sit next or in front of the TV and scribble down madly onto paper piece, it is really difficult to remember all the ideas that you get watching the show. The key for a successful interior designing is planning.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interior Design Ideas

Interior Design Ideas

What is immediately striking about the living room interior design ideas by Calligaris is how welcoming and easy-on-the-eye they are. Gorgeous color coordination incorporating large blocks of bold color, patterned accents, and a range of finishes and textures make the living room ideas a tasty visual treat. Nothing is bulky or overpowering, instead, there is a sense of crispness – a precise aesthetic brought about by the unique, individual pieces that work so well together. Interior Design IdeasLight flows through a number of elements in these modern living room inspirations, such as the wonderful transparent red chairs that shine like a sucked sweet. The matching red lamps accentuate the look. Extraordinary ceiling suspended lamps bring light and style to most of the interiors – often hanging over the dining table where their interesting forms can be best appreciated. Check out the multi-faceted, mirror finish lamp in a teardrop shape, for example – totally groovy. All in all, Calligaris fills the spaces only with objects that really matter – each piece of furniture is funky and functional.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Bedroom Design

Bedroom Furniture Buying Tips

Size Of The Bedroom
Before buying furniture for your bedroom, you first need to keep in mind the size of your room. If you put too many or too big furniture items in a small room, you will be left with no walking space and the room will look cluttered. On the other hand, having too few furniture items in a big room will give it an incomplete look. While bed, chairs, dressing table and side table are a must, their size as well as the possibility of putting in more furniture will depend on the length and the width of your bedroom.

Stick To Need, Not Want
While deciding on the type, quantity as well as the size of your bedroom furniture; keep in mind your needs and not desires. You might want to buy the bed that you saw in a furniture store the other day, mainly because of its looks, but if it doesn't fulfill your requirements, say of storage, it is better to skip it altogether. In other words, if a simple five drawer chest suits your budget and room size, it is advisable not to go for a double Queen Anne dresser.

The Users
While buying bedroom furniture, keep in mind the kind of people who would be using it. If you want furniture for your mind, going for Brazilian rosewood, which looks impressive and also proves durable, is a great idea. However, in case the furniture is meant for your little kid's room, it is advisable to go for something that is inexpensive, easy-to-replace and not at all delicate.

Quality Matters More
Whenever you go out to buy bedroom furniture, keep in mind that quality matters more than quantity. Furniture is not something that you would want to change every other month (unless and until you are a billionaire). If you want to pass on your bedroom furniture to your children, or even grandchildren, go for something that, although a bit expensive, is durable and will last a long time. In other words, rather than veneers, buy furniture with dovetail edges and real hardwood finishes.

Some More Tips
  • While shopping for bedroom furniture, place a higher importance to comfort than anything else. Remember, you will be spending a major part of your day, and night, in there.
  • Give due importance to fine craftsmanship, as it will ensure durability of your furniture and help you save unnecessary repair expenses.
Bedroom Decor

Architectural elements and focal points in salvage style are fast gaining popularity in bedroom Decor for adding class, distinction and sophistication to the room without going over budget. Grecian urns filled with yarn balls look fantastic and quite interesting and need not cost a fortune too. Here are some tips to lend your bedroom a touch of uniqueness and originality within our budget:

* Add architectural elements to your bedroom to give it a lavish look such as a fireplace mantel.
* Always look out for opportunities to turn your trash and junk into treasure. Old glassware can be used as candleholders, antique cups can be used as votives and blankets can be used as vintage pillows.
* An illustrious wall hanging can take place of a headboard for your bed.
* Feel free to use items in different ways other than their traditional uses for the customized touch.
* Hanging old baskets in the nooks and corners of your bedroom will add style to your bedroom and makes creative space for keeping your magazines and personal care accessories.
* Ornate birdbaths from someone's fountain can easily be turned into a nightstand or a table centerpiece.
* Salvage antique window frames can be turned into artistic mirror frames.
* Search for some of the most advantageous deals in thrift shops, garage sales and yard sales where you can find home accessories, fabrics, sofa sets and even dinner sets and exquisite items in salvage shops that can be terracotta tiles, ornate wrought iron fences, old pillars and claw foot bath tubs that can make your home look like a heritage property.
* Select a theme for your bedroom and only accommodate items that go well with the theme.
* Turn vintage clothing or decorative tablecloths into decorative pillow covers.
* Wrought iron posts and fences can be used as curtain rods

Bedroom Furniture Design

Express your personality, your personal taste and decorating flair in the way you decorate your living room. Remodeling or decorating your living room doesn't just mean to throw away items and add furniture pieces to the living room but how you arrange what you already have in the room. Arrangement mistakes can ruin the look of your room. Do not go wild with imagination. Some of the rules and traditional ways of keeping things and proper design must be followed to keep things sane. Creative and unusual living room decorating ideas should be limited by the comfort and usability of the room to make the living room more inviting.

Designing in innovative ways that 'break the rules' can be tricky, so is best left to professionals. Ensure that you maintain visual balance and harmony while displaying your accessories and should not look chaotic. For budget decorating, try to use what you already and then only opt to buy new things that you think are absolutely necessary. See, if rearranging furniture and accessories can achieve the effect you want. For a dream living room, it is not necessary to start from scratch. Make sure that you do not let your precious collection of art lie wasted or ignored just because you didn't think of placing them correctly.

While decorating a living room, one must pay attention to the natural focal point of the room, lifestyle of the family members, functional placement of furniture, creating well-defined traffic patterns, creating close grouping and intimate conversational areas, visual balance, ambient lighting, color scheme of the room and fabric patterns of the curtains, window treatments and the upholstery. You must also watch out for organizing things, display of accessories, camouflaging architectural elements that are ugly, hanging art and wall groupings, proportion and scale of decoration, unifying factor of your decoration and most importantly, when to stop.

Bedroom Decoration