Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Air Ship -- a Musical Farce Comedy for your Wall

As we were purusing our morning electro-papers this morning over coffee (half a mile apart, sigh), Mr. Brumfield kindly pointed me to this posting on Paleo-Future on The Air Ship: A Musical Farce Comedy. Now musical theatre is not the focus on this blog, but since this particular show comes with some lovely posters, I thought I would share.

Don't you just adore the bicycling airship mother with twins?

Matt at Paleo-Future points out that there are many places online to buy posters like those shown below but I would recommend downloading the Library of Congress files here and here and bringing them to your favorite photo-printing establishment that can handle poster-sized prints.

Given the appropriate framing, and perhaps with a small novelty airship hanging close by, this would make a lovely addition to your wall.

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