Friday, July 24, 2009

Heather Jean's Steamy Horrorpunk Home

Heather Jean is an artist who specializes in wierd, wonderful, horrible collages. She also has a fabulous home to share with us.

Although I would consider myself more horrorpunk than steampunk, I think you can see the influence on my decorating... The first 2 pics are in my living room, that's a radio tube stuck in an antique candle holder, a photo of my spouse and I at Dances of Vice last year, and a fetal skeleton replica which was altered by my friend Mike Locascio to look like one of the dancing fetal skeletons of Bologna. I'm an artist and I work at home, so I've really enjoyed creating an atmosphere to suit my eccentric and esoteric tastes.

What is it about the old kid's piano that makes it the spookiest thing here?

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