Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I think I feel some renovations coming on!

Yes, indeedy! The carpenter left an hour ago with my list, plan and measurements - I'm on my way to renovation heaven (or hell - depending on how you look at it).

My idea is to remove two wardrobes from the main and second bedrooms, knock some holes in walls and put up 3 new ones, resulting in 2 larger bedrooms, a walk-in-robe to the main bedroom, and space for a dishwasher in the kitchen.

My mind is a bit of a whirlwind with what it might mean - new flooring (just about everywhere), organised clothes and shoe space (colour-coordinated of course), new paint throughout the living areas, and a much more sensible flow of living spaces - to name a few.

So I'm going to take myself off to bed with my decorating magazines and ideas.

Goodnight all!
Jane xo

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